Yorkley Primary School

Skylab Year 6


Summer Term 2 Key Reminders:

PE will be on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child wears PE kit to school on a Tuesday.


 Forest Schools will take place on a Wednesday morning. Please ensure your child wears appropriate clothing for Forest Schools (jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt and jumper, walking boots/wellies/old trainers and a suitable waterproof jacket). Please note, shorts are not suitable for Forest Schools. They must wear clean shoes into school as normal and bring their forest schools shoes in a bag so they can change between them before and after forest schools. A spare change of clothes is also encouraged in case they get muddy or wet. 

Teacher: Mrs E Smith 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs C Chapman


Year 6 privileges

In Skylab, children take on many responsibilities at school and, in return, have many privileges. Therefore, as the oldest children in the school, they are expected to act as role models to the other pupils. Children are allowed to bring in one pencil case; they may wish to bring some of the following items: pens, pencils, coloured pencils, gel/felt pens, highlighters, sharpeners, rubbers, whiteboard pens and rulers. Resources are available in the classroom for those children who are unable to/prefer not to have their own pencil case.


Each week, your child will receive a piece of English and/or Maths homework on a Tuesday, it should be returned the following Monday. Children are also encouraged to carry out research to support their learning in current and upcoming topics. Maths games will be given out on a Tuesday and should be returned the following week, please take the time to play the games with your child. Children should practice Their times tables. Your child  has a SumDog login were they can practice key math skills and take part in exciting competitions. 

Children are also encouraged to read every day. In Skylab, children are allowed to write their own comments in their reading records, but parents can also write comments about their child’s reading. Children can bring in books from home to read during registration time, however, these must be suitable for school and must challenge/help to improve your child’s reading ability. The school library is also available for children to use and has a wide range of books to choose from.

PE/Sports kits 

Children will have PE on a Tuesday it is important that they wear a suitable PE kit (white t-shirt, blue or black shorts or joggers and trainers/daps). Please remember to label all items of clothing as it is difficult to return lost items to their owners when they are unnamed!

Thank you! If you have any questions, please ask.

 Please click the link below to view our Welcome Letter:

 Math Year6KnowledgeOrganisers.pdfDownload
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 Welcome to Skylab.pdfDownload
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