Yorkley Primary School


At Yorkley Primary the intention is that children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres. Children will develop and learn the vocabulary of music enabling them to deepen their subject knowledge and communication skills.

The music curriculum is supported by our five drivers:

  • Active adventure
  • Building me
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Belonging.

Our objective at Yorkley Primary is to develop a curiosity for music, as well as an understanding of how music is used to communicate ideas and emotions, which can express a sense of belonging and identity. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community, and can use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts. Our music curriculum at Yorkley Primary school enables children to develop knowledge and skills that are communicable to other curriculum areas and is used to promote spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development as well as developing their communication skills.

This year at Yorkley, we have had the opportunity for KS2 to learn how to play Brass instruments from a specialist music teacher through 'Gloucestershire Music' which is a chance to learn an instrument with specialist tuition. We strive for the children to have opportunities to experience and play instruments that they may not have played before. Therefore, over the Autumn terms all KS2 classes will be enriched and will be enhancing their musical knowledge, experiences and learning of Music, proudly performing at the end of the Brass block.




 Yorkley & Parkend School Music Development Plan Summary.docxDownload
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 EYFS Music; Coverage & Progression; Yorkley.docxDownload
 intent-statement-music updated.docDownload
 Long term plan Yorkley.docxDownload
 Music enhancements - Yorkley.docxDownload
 Y1 Music; Coverage & Progression; Yorkley.docxDownload
 Y2 Music; Coverage & Progression; Yorkley.docxDownload
 Y3 Music; Coverage and progression;Yorkley.docxDownload
 Y4 Music; Coverage and progression;Yorkley.docxDownload
 Y5 Music; Coverage & Progression; Yorkley.docxDownload
 Y6 Music; Coverage & Progression; Yorkley.docxDownload
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