Yorkley Primary School



At Yorkley Primary School, we recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects taught in Primary Schools, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires.
The scientific area of learning is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world, and with developing skills associated with science as a process of enquiry. It will develop the natural curiosity of the child, encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence. The children are also encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it, broadening their horizons and aspirations.

At Yorkley we have developed our Science Principles; planning in WOW moments, engaging the learners both in & out of the classroom, children are excited, love to enquire and make links, explore by doing, explain their ideas and happy to FAIL – First Attempt in Learning. These are now supported by our new five drivers; active adventure, building me, communication, creativity and belonging.
We endeavour to ensure that the science curriculum provided will give children the confidence, motivation, problem solving skills and resilience to continue to further develop their skills into the next stage of their education and life experiences.


 Knowledge Matrices Y1-6 FV.pdfDownload
 Learning_ Sticky Knowledge Progression EYFS-Y6.docxDownload
 PLAN EYFS Matrices.pdfDownload
 science-subject-overview updated 23-24.docxDownload
 Working Scientifically Progression EYFS - Year 6 revised.docxDownload
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 Progression Documents
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