Yorkley Primary School

After School Provision

Yorkley Primary School work in collaboration with Yorkley Playgroup to provide excellent afterschool care.

Yorkley Playgroup is a small charity run playgroup situated on the grounds of Yorkley School. We are open each day from;

8.30 – 3.00 Monday and  Friday

8:30-5:00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Starting September 2024 We will be offering after school provision on site  

Holiday Club is available - (Booking is essential) 

Following our latest OFSTED inspection in January 2022 we were awarded Outstanding in all areas. The inspector stated that “Children concentrate for extended periods of time as they fully engage in the activities on offer. Staff note what children are doing and present challenges to extend learning, either through getting children to solve problems, recalling past learning or encouraging them to attempt something new. Children thrive on the attention and praise and eagerly keep trying.”

At playgroup we offer a range of different activities both inside and outside and love our weekly forest walks,community walks,  and termly trips.  The children all enjoy a range of different activities we offer. 


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