Yorkley Primary School

SEN Documents

If you have any concerns regarding any aspect of your child’s ability to learn in class, particularly regarding speech and language, delayed learning, social/emotional/mental health or physical needs, the school SENDCo is available to listen to your concerns and work with you to ensure the best outcome for your child. 

Please make an appointment at Reception.

SEN Policy can be found under Key Information tab/ policies 


 Each section below gives information on our School Offer:

 SEND Information Report Nov 2024.docx.pdfDownload
 The Waves of Intervention.pdfDownload
 The Wider Curriculum.pdfDownload
 What is a My Plan and My Plan+.pdfDownload
 Who to Ask for Help.pdfDownload
 SEN in the Classroom.pdfDownload
 The Role of the Parent.pdfDownload
 The Role of the SENCo.pdfDownload
 The Role of the SEND Governor.pdfDownload
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Please note: all policies relating to children with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities can be found under the Key Information Policies tab e.g SEND/Accessibility plan/Children with medical conditions

Yorkley School believes in challenging all pupils to achieve their full potential in both academic and non-academic activities regardless of background and gender. In the classroom teachers ensure that the ablest pupils are set tasks that they will find challenging but will also inspire them. Extra-curricular activities including out of hours clubs, music, arts and sports enable pupils to develop their individual talents.   The school encourages children to share their successes outside the school in, for example, sports and these are regularly acknowledged in assemblies and newsletters. 

 Our recent Ofsted report 2022 stated that - 

"By putting pupils’ needs at the heart of their experience, the school provides well for all. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities thrive in this climate. Disadvantaged pupils are helped to reach their full potential, as are their classmates."