Yorkley Primary School


Oberon Year 3 

Welcome to Class Oberon

Teacher: Miss L Southgate

Teaching Assistants: Mrs C Solana

Spring 2 Reminders:

Tuesday - Maths games need to be in,  so they can be changed. 

Tuesday - Library slots (every other week) ensure your child has their library book so they can swap it for a new one. 

Tuesday- Oberon will have PE so they must come in PE kit every Tuesday. 

Wednesday - Oberon will have bikes so need to be in warm PE kit, gloves would be advisable.  Helmets and bikes are provided. No bikes or helmets need to be brought into school.

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school. We look forward to all of the learning opportunities and experiences the children will be involved with. Below is some key information about our class.

Attendance matters for doing well in school: academically, socially, and emotionally. As a parent/carer you are responsible for making sure your child develops the habit of regular attendance – every day counts! Punctuality is also highly important. Pupils who arrive late to school are not only losing out on learning but disrupt the learning of others when they arrive late into the learning that has already started. Thank you for your continued support with this

Book bags & Backpacks

Please send your child’s book bag and / or backpacks in with them every day. This will allow us to send home letters and prevent them from losing things from the classroom to home. Replacement book bags can be bought from the PTA for £7.00.

Reading books

Your child will bring home a book that is matched with their reading ability. Your child will have the opportunity to change their book throughout the week. We encourage you to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week and record it in their reading record.  Please ensure that it comes in everyday as we will also be reading with them in school.

Library Books

On a Tuesday on a fortnightly basis, your child will be able to choose a book from our school library. In order for the children to swap their books they must bring their book back in on the library slot day. The children will not able to get a new book from the library if they have not brought the old one in and should not be swapping their book with each other. 


Homework will be sent home on a Tuesday and will be due in on the following Monday. The homework will either be English and Maths or a topic task based on work that is relevant to our learning.  It is important to encourage your child to complete the homework as independently as possible however some work will require working together.

Math Games

On a Tuesday your child will be given a maths games to play at home. We encourage you to play the game with your child to practice essential maths skills. The game must be return to school on the following Tuesday, when it will be swapped for a different game. Please ensure a prompt return of the game to ensure all children get a new game each week.

Water bottles

Please can you provide your child with a water bottle at the start of the year. It will need to be named. We will send the water bottle home daily to be washed. Only water should be provided. We will fill the bottles with fresh water throughout the day.

Snack Time

The children will need bring in their own snack as they are now in KS2. They will need to bring a piece of fruit or vegetables; carrot sticks or cucumber sticks that you know they will enjoy.  We are a healthy school so no crisps, chocolate or junk food please. Please remember we are a nut free school. You can order milk for them to have at break time. Please speak to the office if you would like to order milk.

PE kits

The children will be doing PE on Tuesday and Wednesday throughout the year, please see the reminders at the top for the term. Children can come into school wearing their PE kit. We are hoping that more PE will happen outside therefore they will need to wear warmer clothes in the colder weather. Also, the children will be staying in their kit all day so being warm and comfortable is important! Please can you remove your child’s earrings on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your children are in the correct uniform on non-PE days ensuring they are not wearing jewellery.

Forest school

Oberon class will be having off site Forest School sessions with ‘Follow my Lead’ during the Autumn term 2. Children will need to be appropriately dressed for this, weather depending. This includes wearing long sleeved tops and trousers please. Forest School will take place on Wednesday AM for Oberon children. Parents are not required for these sessions.

Bike ability

Bike ability sessions for Oberon class will be during Spring term 2. The children will NOT need to bring their own bikes for this as age appropriate bikes and helmets are provided.


Swimming lessons will be taking place for Oberon class during Spring term 1.

 If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

- Miss Southgate & Ms Solana 

 Welcome to Oberon 2024-2025.pdfDownload
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 Maths Year 3 Knowledge Organisers.pdfDownload
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