Yorkley Primary School

Calipso EYFS

 Welcome to Reception


Teacher: Miss Screen

Teaching Assistant: Miss Smith


Summer Term 2 Key Reminders 


Tuesday - PE kit must be worn to school.

Wednesday - PE kit to be worn for bike ability sessions. We recommend that children wear leggings or joggers to keep them warm outside. Hats and gloves may be appropriate, weather dependent. Children will NOT need a spare change of clothes. All bikes and helmets are provided at school. 


Book bags

Please send your child’s book bag in with them every day. This will allow us to send home letters and prevent them from losing things from the classroom to home. Replacement book bags can be bought from the PTA for £7.


Reading books

Your child will bring home a new reading practice book every Monday. This will be a fully decodable book. We encourage you to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week and record it in their reading record.  Your child will also bring home a sharing book that they have chosen themselves from our library; this is a book we would like you to enjoy reading to your child.



Homework will be set at the start of every term, this will be stuck in their homework book. There will be 6-8 activities to complete throughout the term. Each term will have a specific date to have them completed by. The children will also have a phonics book for you to practice their phonics together at home.


Water bottles

Please can you provide your child with a water bottle at the start of the year. It will need to be named. We will send the water bottle home daily to be washed. Only water should be provided. We will fill the bottles with fresh water throughout the day.


Milk and fruit

The children will receive a piece of free fruit in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They will also receive a carton of milk until they turn 5. You can order milk for them when they are 5 so that they can continue to enjoy it. Please speak to the office if you would like to order milk following your child’s 5th birthday. If your child does not like a variety of fruit then you are welcome to send in a piece of fruit that you know they will enjoy. We are a healthy school so no crisps, chocolate or junk food please.


PE kits

The children will be doing PE on Tuesday and Wednesday. Children can come into school wearing their PE kit. We are hoping that most PE will happen outside therefore they will need to wear warmer clothes in the colder weather. Also, the children will be staying in their kit all day so being warm and comfortable is important! Please can you remove your child’s earrings on a Tuesday and Wednesday.


Family woodland walk and story time

We will be inviting Calipso parents/carers to join us on a weekly woodland walk during Autumn term 2. When we arrive back at school, you will be invited in to class for an end of the day story time. Details of the day and time for this will be provided in due course. 


Forest school

Calipso class will be lucky enough to experience off site Forest School sessions with Follow my Lead during spring term 1 and spring term 2. Children will need to be appropriately dressed for this, weather depending. Forest School will take place on Wednesday AM’s for Calipso children. Parents are not required for these sessions.


Family Friday’s

Family Friday’s will begin on Friday 6th October from 8.40am. We ask parents to leave school site by 9.10am in order for us to start the school day. We would love to see parents, carers, grandparents and other family members join us for some Friday fun in Calispo class with your children. Please don’t worry if you can’t make every week as this will continue until the end of spring term 2 so there is plenty of time to join us all.


Bike ability

Bike ability sessions for Calipso class will be during summer term 1. The children will NOT need to bring their own bikes for this as age appropriate bikes and helmets are provided.


Pedal and scoot

During summer term 2, Calipso children are invited to bring in their own bike and helmet for pedal and scoot sessions.


Maths Games

Children will be given a Maths game each week for you to play at home. This will be changed every Wednesday so please ensure the Maths game is in your child's bookbag.


Thank you, 


Miss Screen & Miss Smith



For further information regarding Calipso Class please click on the links below:


Family Fridays


Woodland Walks

Pedal and Scoot 

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