Yorkley Primary School



Letters and Sounds


At Yorkley Primary School we believe that achieving a good standard of reading is fundamental in preparing children for life as successful citizens in Modern Britain and the wider world. The National Curriculum Programmes of the study states that ‘schools should do everything to promote wider reading’, teachers should develop pupils’ reading and writing in all subjects to support their acquisition of knowledge and pupils should be taught to read fluently, understand extended prose (both fiction and non-fiction) and be encouraged to read for pleasure. Our ultimate aim is to make sure that children become engaged with reading from the very beginning as it is one of the most important ways to make a difference in their life chances, whatever their socio-economic background. For this to happen, however, children need to learn to read as fluently as possible and be motivated to continue reading. We rise to the rigour and challenge of the National Curriculum and ensure that children progress from more basic comprehension skills to deduction, inference and critical evaluation. We strive for all of our children to become confident, independent readers with high levels of enjoyment and lifelong skill.  We take every opportunity to promote a love of reading through a variety of experiences.


Little Wandles Guidance for parents

Ofsted have identified how the Little Wandle programme has supported schools to develop a love of reading, ensure decodable texts are well-matched to children’s developing phonics knowledge and to ensure that early reading is prioritised, amongst other things!

Yorkley Primary School has complete fidelity to the Little Wandles reading  scheme

 Reading Skills Progression.docxDownload
 Text Coverage.docxDownload
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At Yorkley, the teaching of writing is of paramount importance within a broad and balanced curriculum. Our aim is to ensure that every child within our school, regardless of background and potential difficulty, leaves our school as a competent writer and with an understanding of the conventions of Standard English and when to use it effectively.

This ability to write with confidence for a range of purposes and audiences ensures that children leave Yorkley fully prepared for their secondary education, ready to achieve their aspirations and thrive in their adult life. The writing curriculum encourages children to immerse themselves in different text types, understand the features and impact of these, and realise their importance of them beyond education. A secure knowledge of spelling and grammar and an understanding of how to edit writing are taught throughout the school in a systematic and progressive way. The content of writing lessons is planned to build on children’s previous knowledge as well as introduce new learning.

 Progression in Narrative.docxDownload
 Progression in Non-fiction.docxDownload
 The Write Stuff Progression of Skills.pdfDownload
 Writing Overview.docxDownload
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Year 1

 Spelling Appendix.pdfDownload
 Statutory Requirements.pdfDownload
 Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Appendix.pdfDownload
 Year 1 English KO.docxDownload
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Year 2

 Spelling Appendix.pdfDownload
 Statutory Requirements.pdfDownload
 Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Appendix.pdfDownload
 Year 2 English KO.docxDownload
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Year 3

 Spelling Appendix.pdfDownload
 Statutory Requirements.pdfDownload
 Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Appendix.pdfDownload
 Year 3 English KO.docxDownload
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Year 4

 Statutory Requirements.pdfDownload
 Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Appendix.pdfDownload
 Year 4 English KO.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Year 5

 Spelling Appendix.pdfDownload
 Statutory Requirements.pdfDownload
 Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Appendix.pdfDownload
 Year 5 English KO.docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Year 6

 Statutory Requirements.pdfDownload
 Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Appendix.pdfDownload
 Year 6 English KO.docxDownload
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