Yorkley Primary School

School Aims and Values

Our Vision:

Opening children’s eyes to a brighter future, showing them what they can achieve through our 'School Drivers' Creativity, Building Me, Belonging, Communication and Active Adventure. Working together to nurture and inspire, giving the children the confidence and ambition to meet future challenges.


At Yorkley our aim is for each child to leave our school equipped with the skills they need for lifelong learning. Parents, governors and staff of Yorkley School agree that these skills consist of:
  • Building healthy relationships with adults and other children
  • Developing skills and knowledge across all subjects
  • A sense of well-being to lead a safe and fulfilling life
  • Being morally and spiritually aware
  • Being adaptable and resilient, having high self esteem
  • Being an independent learner and decision-maker
  • learning to work with others while listening to others views
  • Sense of responsibility and discipline 

Ideas from our children: 



Our motto is “Valuing learning, learning to Value”.


Our values are Partnership, Perseverance, Patience, Practice and Pride. These link together to give children the “Power” to achieve and develop into responsible citizens.

Our school poem highlights these values:   

We persevere just keep on trying,
Practice helps us be high flying.

We take our time and wait our turn,
Patience is a skill we learn.

We work together as one big team.
Partnership is never mean.

We should never have to hide,
We try our best, so we have pride.

The Yorkley values show us how,
We have the power to learn right now.


At Yorkley, we promote the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance as well as Christian Values including faith, love, forgiveness, responsibility, service, trust and unity.

Below are some examples:

Democracy:  Children allowing others to learn.  Listening to each other and showing respect towards each other, e.g.

  • Voting, applying for monitor/ school council roles
  • Play leaders/buddy roles
  • House captain roles and responsibilities
  • Voting within P.E lessons is linked to effort and behaviour.

The Rule of Law:

  • Our School rules – understanding there are sanctions/consequences for not following rules
  • Cycling Proficiency
  • Codes of conduct within our policies
  • Behaviour, Rewards and Sanctions (Golden table, house points, star of the week, effort marks, head teacher and deputy head stickers, Governor Awards).
  • Working with the local community which includes charity work, the police, fire service, local council, etc.

Individual liberty:

At Yorkley School pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, e.g.

  • Pupil's voice undertaken by leaders within the school
  • Participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs - debating club 
  • E-safety / online safety 

Mutual respect:

The motto of Yorkley School is “Valuing learning, learning to value”

Introduction of our 5 values = Pride, Practice, Patience, Partnership, Perseverance = Power.

  • School Council
  • Wellbeing Champions
  • Behaviour and Rewards Policy
  • Anti-bullying week / Hello Yellow Day 
  • Open the book assemblies
  • Inter-house competitions
  • Working with the local and wider community, including outside agencies

Tolerance of those of different faiths:

  • Through assemblies
  • R.E curriculum
  • PSHE curriculum
  • Themed weeks
  • Visits and visitors