Yorkley Primary School

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Welcome to Apollo (Year 1)


Teachers: Miss Palmer-Smith.

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Morse


Spring 2 Key Reminders

Apollo have PE on Tuesday and on Wednesday this term - please come into school in full school PE kits on both days.


Book bags

Please send your child’s book bag in with them every day. This will allow us to send home letters and prevent them from losing things from the classroom to home. Replacement book bags can be bought from the PTA for £7.00.


Reading books

Your child will bring home a new reading practice book every Monday. This will be a fully decodable book. We encourage you to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week and record it in their reading record.  Your child will also bring home a sharing book that they have chosen themselves from our library; this is a book we would like you to enjoy reading to your child. The sharing book will be changed on a fortnightly basis on a Tuesday.



Homework will be sent home on a Tuesday and will be due in on the following Monday. The homework will either be English and Maths or a topic task based on work that is relevant to our learning.  It is important to encourage your child to complete the homework as independently as possible however some work will require working together.


Maths games

We are very lucky to be able to have access to maths games that we send home to support the children and their learning. These were created by our PTA voluntarily and a lot of time and effort went into making them. Please can you take care of these, making sure pieces stay in the packs. Maths games will be swapped on a Friday each week. If they are not returned, we will not be able to give out a new game.


Water bottles

Please can you provide your child with a water bottle at the start of the year. It will need to be named. We will send the water bottle home daily to be washed. Only water should be provided. We will fill the bottles with fresh water throughout the day.


Milk and fruit

The children will receive a piece of free fruit in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. You can order milk for them to have at break time. Please speak to the office if you would like to order milk. If your child does not like a variety of fruit then you are welcome to send in a piece of fruit that you know they will enjoy. We are a healthy school so no crisps, chocolate or junk food please. Please remember we are a nut free school.


PE kits

The children will be doing PE on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Children can come into school wearing their PE kit. We are hoping that most PE will happen outside therefore they will need to wear warmer clothes in the colder weather. Also, the children will be staying in their kit all day so being warm and comfortable is important! Please can you remove your child’s earrings on a Tuesday and Wednesday. On non PE days, children must wear full and correct school uniform including NO jewellery. 


Bike ability

Bike ability sessions for Apollo class will be during spring term 1. The children will NOT need to bring their own bikes for this as age appropriate bikes and helmets are provided.


School day

A reminder that school gates open at 8.35am and close at 8.45am. It is vital that children arrive to school on time to ensure they do not missing learning time or disrupt the learning of others. 

Attendance matters for doing well in school: academically, socially, and emotionally. As a parent/carer you are responsible for making sure your child develops the habit of regular attendance – every day counts! Punctuality is also highly important. Pupils who arrive late to school are not only losing out on learning but disrupt the learning of others when they arrive late into the learning that has already started. Thank you for your continued support with this matter.


Mrs Adams

CanDo Maths Knowledge Organisers

 Year 1 Maths Knowledge Organisers.pdfDownload
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