Teacher: Mrs Smith
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Chapman
We are very much looking forward to the new academic year. We have an exciting year ahead of us, full of hard work and enjoyment. Here is some information about our class.
Book bags - Book bags ensure that letters and communication home remain intact. Replacements can be bought from PTA for £7.
Water bottles and snacks - Juniors are not provided with fruit. As we are a healthy school, it is suggested that your child brings in a piece of fruit or vegetables (e.g. carrot sticks) for their snack. Anything other than fruit or vegetables is not able to be eaten as their snack.
Water bottles should be named. Children are encouraged to stay hydrated and their bottles can be refilled throughout the school day. Bottles will be sent home at the end of the day to be cleaned.
The children will be doing PE on a Tuesday. Children should come into school wearing their PE kit:
- Shorts (blue or black)
- Plain t-shirt (white)
- Tracksuits may be worn in cold weather
- Daps (plimsolls) or trainers
We are hoping that most PE will happen outside therefore they will need to wear warmer clothes in the colder weather. Also, the children will be staying in their kit all day so being warm and comfortable is important! Please remove your child’s earrings on a Tuesday.
Forest School
The children will be on Forest schools on a Wednesday morning, children need to wear appropriate clothing and must bring a change of clothes and footwear with them.
Reading books/records – Daily reading is essential for your child's progress. Children are encouraged to read aloud to an adult as often as possible; please listen to them read, ask questions and read to them to model good expression. Please encourage them to also read independently and write a record of this in their reading record (when they read, what and their thoughts) - this is expected as part of their weekly homework. Children should keep notes in their reading records themselves, but please feel free to add a note yourself. Children are able to take a book home from school if needed and they are given opportunities to change these books each week, enabling them to read a range of different texts. Engagement with reading at home will be monitored.
Your child will also bring home a library book that they have chosen themselves from our library; this is a book we would like you to enjoy reading to your child. The library book will be changed on a fortnightly basis on a Tuesday.
Homework – Homework will be sent home on a Tuesday and will be due in the following Monday. The homework will be English and Maths, based on work that is relevant to our learning. At times, your child will have topic homework to complete. It is important to encourage your child to complete the homework as independently as possible, however some work will require working together. Engagement with homework will be monitored.
Maths games - We are very lucky to be able to have access to maths games that we send home to support the children and their learning. These were created by our PTA voluntarily and a lot of time and effort went into making them. Please can you take care of these, making sure pieces stay in the packs. Mariner will be swapping games on a Tuesday each week. If they are not returned, we will not be able to give out a new game.
Online learning games - Children have been given usernames and passwords to Sumdog, three online maths games that will help them to develop their maths skills. Sumdog will challenge them across the whole maths curriculum.
If you have any questions, please come and see us.
Mrs Smith and Mrs Chapman