Yorkley Primary School

Welcome to Mariner - Year 5



Key Reminders for Spring Term 2

  • This term Mariner class will have PE and Forest School.
  • PE will be on a Tuesday, children need to wear PE kit on this day, with appropriate footwear and earrings removed. 
  • Forest School will be on a Wednesday, children need to wear appropriate clothing and bring a change of clothes and footwear with them. 
  • As the weather is likely to be quite cold, please make sure that your child brings a coat with them to school every day.



Attendance matters for doing well in school: academically, socially, and emotionally. As a parent/carer you are responsible for making sure your child develops the habit of regular attendance – every day counts! Punctuality is also highly important. Pupils who arrive late to school are not only losing out on learning but disrupt the learning of others when they arrive late into the learning that has already started. Thank you for your continued support with this matter.


Maths games are changed on a Tuesday. These need to be brought back in weekly to ensure games can be changed properly for everyone. 

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