Yorkley Primary School

Welcome to Mercury Class

Teacher – Mrs Hughes

Teaching Assistant – Mrs T Bonner


Summer Term 2 Key Reminders 

Tuesday and Wednesday - PE kit must be worn to school.



Even a few minutes of reading together each day gives you and your child a chance to slow down and connect with each other.  The sensory experience of sitting with you and hearing your voice also engages their brain in a way that makes learning easier.

There’s no one right way to read to your child. You can read to them in any language, or multiple languages. You can do it at the same time every day or change up the routine. Your child doesn’t even need to be sitting with you — just sitting nearby with a book while they play can be a way to connect.  The important thing is for your child to hear words and language and to have books be part of their daily life. Any steps you’re able to take can make a big difference.

Equally, it is important that children have the opportunity to practise their own decoding and reading skills daily.  Please encourage them to read independently and write a record of this in their reading record - this is expected as part of their weekly homework. Children should keep notes in their reading records themselves, but please feel free to add a note yourself. Children are able to take a book home from school if needed and they are given opportunities to change these books when needed (just give me a poke when you would like a new book!).


Pupils will be given a username and password to  Sumdog (link below), an online maths games that will help them to develop their maths skills.
Sumdog will challenge them across the whole maths curriculum. 

Sumdog Website

Pupils need to be practising their time's tables as often as possible - ideally each day (just 5 minutes of daily practise will go a long way!)  Memorising times tables makes it far quicker and easier for pupils to work out maths problems in their heads. Moving beyond using their fingers to work out answers, they'll be able to use their knowledge to quickly solve any multiplication questions.

MTC - times tables assessment

Year 4’s are now expected to complete an online times table assessment during the Summer Term. This is known as the MTC or Multiplication Tables Check, you can find out more information about this by clicking here.

We will prepare children for this in school, but please continue to support them at home.


Homework will be set each Tuesday and will include a maths and an English activity for pupils to complete over the course of the week.  All homework will be collected in on Monday.



Please send your child’s book bag in with them every day. This will allow us to send home letters and prevent them from losing things from the classroom to home. Replacement book bags can be bought from the PTA for £7.


Water Bottles and Snacks

Key Stage 2 are not provided with fruit. As we are a healthy school, it is suggested that your child brings in a piece of fruit or vegetables (e.g. carrot sticks) for their snack. Anything other than fruit or vegetables is not able to be eaten as their snack. 

Water bottles should be named. Children are encouraged to stay hydrated and their bottles can be refilled throughout the school day. Bottles will be sent home at the end of the day to be cleaned. No squash/flavoured water, please.


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