Yorkley Primary School

Cyber Safety

The safety of children online is something we take very seriously at Yorkley School.

Below you will find the latest updates, guidance and events to help keep your children safe online.


Parent  Support

Education programme from the National Crime Agency

Parenting in a Digital World

NSPCC Online Safety

Child Net On Line Safety

Game Reviews - Common Sense Media

Ask about Games

App Reviews

Internet Matters

National Online Safety

Safer internet

Glos Safer Cyber

Bullying Helpline

Child Net Activities

Below you will find some more useful guides:

 Online Safety Guide Ages 0 - 5.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Guide Ages 11 - 13.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Guide Ages 6 - 10.pdfDownload
 Reducing Screen Time Ages 5 - 7.pdfDownload
 Reducing Screen Time Ages 7 - 11.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Ditto is an online safety magazine written for parents and school staff. It is released every half term and will keep you up to date with the latest advice in cyber safety.

The latest issue covers TikTok updates, balancing online and offline, and a summer report for parents.

You can find out more about Ditto magazine at www.esafety-adviser.com

 DITTO - Issue 25 -June 2021.pdfDownload
 Ditto - Issue 26 -September 2021.pdfDownload
 DITTO - Issue 27 - December 2021.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3


Safer Internet Day 2022

Safer Internet Day this year was all about keeping safe while gaming online. Children had an assembly where a video was shared from our local Schoolsbeat team.

Top tips for staying safe while online gaming include:

 Not using personal information in usernames, and not uploading their photos as profile photos. Not sharing personal information online. Checking their privacy settings

Take regular breaks, avoid in-game purchases such as loot boxes (or use them sparingly and with permission), and only use official mods and downloads.

Only play with people you know. If you see or hear something they don’t like, don’t respond and block, report, and mute.

Stop Cyberbullying Day

Friday 18th June is Stop Cyberbullying Day, a global, annual event to promote a diverse and inclusive internet. In school, we will be teaching children to recognise cyberbullying, understand who is affected, and how to deal with it using Stop, Speak, and Support.

You can find out more here:




Internet Safety Assembly

Children in Class 5 gave a presentation to parents and the whole school to support their learning about Internet Safety. They encouraged children to keep personal information private and to report anything that makes them feel nervous or uncomfortable. They also reminded parents to monitor what their children access online. You can view their presentation and script here: